Together with Kamupak, Palmia, Unicafe, Paulig Corner and Vihreä Vuohi we piloted the reusable coffee cup deposit system to find concrete ways to reduce the use of single-use plastics. 

The consumption of single-use packaging is constantly growing and Finnish startup Kamupak already has a deposit system for reusable takeaway lunch boxes. To extend their offering to coffee cups, Kamupak and Verona Growth piloted reusable coffee cups in 15 locations simultaneously, including locations from Palmia, UniCafe, Vihreä Vuohi and Paulig Kulma. 

We were excited to work with Kamupak, one of the shortlisted companies in Sitra’s list of circular economy pioneers, to accelerate the use of circular packaging solutions. Pilots are definitely the most cost-effective way to test new solutions or services on the market.

“We got quite a lot of feedback from consumers and that  was valuable for us to actually understand what consumers think about. Based on that feedback we are now able to develop our service further.”

Saara Smith, COO, Kamupak

During the pilot, Kamupak was able to develop their solution to be more user friendly and Kamupak decided to continue offering KamuCups after the pilot based on the feedback, data and general interest gathered during the pilot.

“We got quite a lot “One big learning for us was that we can’t build this kind of system alone. We need different contributors around us to build the ecosystem.”

Saara Smith, COO, Kamupak

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statistics, marketing.

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We explore, innovate and pilot to curate the best circular opportunities for your company, from strategy to action. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

For more information,

check out the full case video with Kamupak. Saara Smith from Kamupak shares her insights about piloting a new solution and working with ecosystem partners. Contact us for more info!

Seuraavat evästetyypit tulee olla hyväksyttynä videoupotusten näyttämiseksi:
statistics, marketing.

Muuta evästeasetuksia katsoaksesi videon.

Contact us!

Anu Pousi

