circulareconomy HomeBlog Archives 20.06.2022 Innovation for circular solutions – experiences from LOOP Lab 26.04.2022 Betoniyrityksiä kannustetaan kokeilemaan vihreän betonin valmistusta Innovaatiohaasteen avulla 24.02.2022 Gigantin ja Torin onnistunut outlet-kokeilu keräsi yli 1,5 miljoonaa katselukertaa 18.01.2022 Bringing a new reusable product to the market with Kamupak 21.12.2021 Circular economy – the undiscovered possibility for you company? 08.12.2021 Product passports make your sweater, chair, or coffee maker circular 02.12.2021 The future of toys – new ideas around the next generation 19.11.2021 Frustration as a driving force for a circular change of e-commerce 04.11.2021 Nordic LOOP LAB is building circularity around the next generation 06.05.2021 Pantilliset take away -kupit tulivat Helsinkiin – Verona Growth mukana pilotissa 26.02.2021 LOOP is proud to be piloting reusable take-away coffee cups in Helsinki this spring 12.02.2021 LOOP LAB generated concepts for circular e-commerce Posts navigation 1 2 Older ›